all postcodes in M8 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M8 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M8 5AA 11 0 53.513005 -2.241584
M8 5AB 15 1 53.512873 -2.24003
M8 5AD 28 0 53.513338 -2.241073
M8 5AE 22 1 53.513913 -2.241529
M8 5AF 13 0 53.513698 -2.241121
M8 5AG 31 0 53.514211 -2.236057
M8 5AH 18 0 53.513915 -2.240202
M8 5AJ 13 0 53.514335 -2.241456
M8 5AL 26 0 53.513259 -2.240198
M8 5AN 12 0 53.514585 -2.238095
M8 5AP 66 0 53.51449 -2.235953
M8 5AQ 2 0 53.514108 -2.237335
M8 5AR 26 0 53.513447 -2.235977
M8 5AS 14 0 53.513808 -2.235436
M8 5AT 40 1 53.513622 -2.234289
M8 5AU 43 0 53.514577 -2.232907
M8 5AW 49 0 53.514736 -2.238804
M8 5AX 12 0 53.514654 -2.234988
M8 5AZ 6 0 53.51282 -2.239472
M8 5BB 7 0 53.514942 -2.243842